Wednesday, August 7, 2013

5 Notable Fantasy Football Players With Republican POTUS Eponyms

Just in time for the beginning of fantasy football season, I have assembled this terrible post:

5) Jacoby Ford - during his career in Oakland, speedster Jacoby has proved as savvy a wide receiver as Gerald Ford was president.  I doubt after his first [contractual] term is over that the Raiders will elect to keep him around anymore.

didn't happen.

4) Michael Bush - Mike Bush, like George W. Bush, was a promising young buck who stormed on to the scene with brash and bravado but was being coached by a crazy old coot and never lived up to his potential.  But both were good at 'scoring from the goal line' if you know what I mean <wink wink>.

crazy old coots!

3) Ryan Grant - in 1861, Ulysses S. Grant was a real nobody, training volunteer schlubs in Illinois.  But just like his fortunes changed after the Battle of Chattanooga, Ryan Grant's changed when he was traded to the Packers and all their RB's went down with injuries.  The rest of the 2007 season and the Civil War were history and the Grant boys tore shit up bigtime in their respective battlefields.

brothers in arms

2) Reggie Bush - just like George H.W. Bush raised Clarence Thomas up onto the Supreme Court, Reggie helped the Saints "rise up" to become Super Bowl champions!


1) Marvin Harrison - these Indiana boys are the heavy hitters of the bunch!  Marvin was an 8 time probowler, 3 time all pro and Super Bowl champ, while Benjamin Harrison passed the Sherman Act!  Whooaaaaa!!!


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